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Sweden Night 1

This is night one and it is the first leg of the race.  Here our teams fly to Sweden where they learn what the letter "G" stands for in the word grace.

Germany Night 2

This night the Letter is "R" and stands for repent or to turn.  God wants you to turn from sin and turn towards him.

Fiji Night 3

On night 3 the letter is "A" for the word Accept.  God wants to give us His Grace, and it is free! All we have to do is accept it. 

Russi Night 4

This is night 4 where our teams go to Russia.  The letter is "C" for challenge.  As christians, we need to challenge ourselves to grow and be the best that we can be.

This is the finish to "God's Amazing Grace"  Night 5.  The letter is "E" which stands for explain.  It is important that we as Christians be able to explain our faith.  To be able to tell others about Jesus.

Returning to the USA Night 5

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